钎着率 brazed rate
钎接焊 braze-welding
钎炬 brazing (soldering) blowpipe
钎焊操作 brazing (soldering) operation
钎焊过程 brazing (soldering) process
硬钎料 brazing filler metal
钎料流失 brazing filler metal erosion
钎料 brazing filler metal/ solder
钎剂 brazing flux; soldering flux
保护气氛钎焊 brazing in controlled atmosphere
钎焊参数 brazing process variables
钎焊盒 brazing retort
钎接焊 braze-welding
钎炬 brazing (soldering) blowpipe
钎焊操作 brazing (soldering) operation
钎焊过程 brazing (soldering) process
硬钎料 brazing filler metal
钎料流失 brazing filler metal erosion
钎料 brazing filler metal/ solder
钎剂 brazing flux; soldering flux
保护气氛钎焊 brazing in controlled atmosphere
钎焊参数 brazing process variables
钎焊盒 brazing retort
钎缝 brazing seam; soldering seam
钎焊温度 brazing temperature
钎焊时间 brazing time
不等间隙钎焊 brazing with the unparalleled clearance
脆性温度区间 brittle temperature range
熔敷顺序 build-up sequence deposition sequence
组装件 built-up member
焊剂层 burden; flux layer
摩擦变形量 burn-off length
摩擦变形速度 burn-off rate
搭接对接接头 butt and lap joint
对焊机 butt resistance welding machine
对接缝焊 butt seam welding; foil-butt seam
环缝对接焊 butt welding of circumferential seam
隔离剂 buttering material
奥氏体钢裂纹试验 BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel BWRA
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