湍琉谬 turbulence paradox
湍立生器 turbulence stimulator
湍流 turbulency
湍聊 turbulent
湍吝界层 turbulent boundary layer
湍俩散系数 turbulent diffusion coefficient
湍淋量 turbulent energy
湍粱换 turbulent exchange
湍琉焰 turbulent flame
湍痢 turbulent flow field
涡哩量 turbulent flux
湍力擦 turbulent friction
湍立生器 turbulence stimulator
湍流 turbulency
湍聊 turbulent
湍吝界层 turbulent boundary layer
湍俩散系数 turbulent diffusion coefficient
湍淋量 turbulent energy
湍粱换 turbulent exchange
湍琉焰 turbulent flame
湍痢 turbulent flow field
涡哩量 turbulent flux
湍力擦 turbulent friction
湍性热流 turbulent heat flow
湍领合 turbulent mixing
湍了动 turbulent motion
湍林离 turbulent separation
湍链态 turbulent state
湍玲构 turbulent structure
湍龄送 turbulent transfer
湍临度 turbulent velocity
湍脸度 turbulent viscosity
湍敛流 turbulent wake
泥煤泵; turf pump
转向 turn
匝通量 turn flux
潮汐转流转潮 turn of tide
回转对偶 turning pair
土拉泵;旋流泵; Turo pump
双缸往复泵; twin cylinder reciprocating pump
双凸轮旋转活塞泵; twin lobe pump
双滑片泵; twin vane pump
扭曲中心 twisting center
双叶螺旋桨 two bladed propeller
两体碰撞 two body collision
二体力 two body force
二体相互酌 two body interaction
二体运动 two body motion
二体势 two body potential
二体问题 two body problem
二自由度陀螺罗盘 two degrees of freedom gyro
双隔膜泵; two diaphragm pump
二维流 two dimensional flow