装箱单 packing list
包材 packing materials
桨叶 paddle
烤漆厂 painting factory
偶力 pair force
偶相互酌 pair interaction
运动副 pair of element
对势 pair potential
成对安装 paired mounting
平坠 pancaking
格点 panel point
纸浆泵; paper stock pump
包材 packing materials
桨叶 paddle
烤漆厂 painting factory
偶力 pair force
偶相互酌 pair interaction
运动副 pair of element
对势 pair potential
成对安装 paired mounting
平坠 pancaking
格点 panel point
纸浆泵; paper stock pump
抛物线型蠕变 parabolic creep
抛物线型流 parabolic flow
抛物线运动 parabolic motion
等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion
抛物线轨道 parabolic orbit
抛物线型势 parabolic potential
抛物线速度剖面 parabolic velocity profile
回转抛物面 paraboloid of revolution
顺弹性共振 paraelastic resonance
视差角 parallactic angle
视差移动 parallactic shift
平行带 parallel band
梯形桁架 parallel chord truss
并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism
并联 parallel connection
平行坐标系 parallel coordinate system
平行座标 parallel coordinates
平行位移 parallel displacement
并励 parallel excitation
平行轴定理 parallel exis theorem
平行力场 parallel field of forces
平行流 parallel flow
平行力 parallel force
平行力系 parallel force system
平面轴斜齿轮 parallel helical gears
平行线 parallel line
并联机构 parallel mechanism
平行运动 parallel motion
并联共振 parallel resonance
平行结构 parallel structure
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