铰接支座 rounded support
劳思稳定性判据 routh criterion of stability
劳思方程 routh equation
劳思函数 routh function
似橡胶弹性 rubber like elasticity
衬胶泵; rubber lined pump
衬胶真空泵; rubber lined vaccum
弹性套柱销联轴器 rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling
擦 rubbing
方向舵 rudder
速移裂纹 running crack
旋转力矩 running torque
劳思稳定性判据 routh criterion of stability
劳思方程 routh equation
劳思函数 routh function
似橡胶弹性 rubber like elasticity
衬胶泵; rubber lined pump
衬胶真空泵; rubber lined vaccum
弹性套柱销联轴器 rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling
擦 rubbing
方向舵 rudder
速移裂纹 running crack
旋转力矩 running torque
行波 running wave
无负载运转 running without load
断裂能量 rupture energy
断裂强度 rupture strength
断裂功 rupture work
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