压电计 piezometer
量压线 piezometric line
压性弹性模数 piezotropic modulus of elasticity
压性 piezotropy
堆振荡法 pile oscillation method
堆振荡器 pile oscillator
堆积效应 pile up effect
脉冲成堆 pile up of pulses
柱负荷 pillar load
导频 pilot frequency
导频脉冲 pilot pulse
指示灯 pilot tube
量压线 piezometric line
压性弹性模数 piezotropic modulus of elasticity
压性 piezotropy
堆振荡法 pile oscillation method
堆振荡器 pile oscillator
堆积效应 pile up effect
脉冲成堆 pile up of pulses
柱负荷 pillar load
导频 pilot frequency
导频脉冲 pilot pulse
指示灯 pilot tube
导频波 pilot wave
无人驾驶的 pilotless
铰接桁架 pin connected truss
针状支承 pin support
箍缩 pinch
箍缩效应 pinch effect
聚缩效应 pinch off effect
细缩孔率 pinhole porosity
齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack
齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter
齿轮传动系 pinion unit
轴配流径向活塞泵; pintle valve radial piston pump
皮奥拉 基尔霍夫应力张量 piola kirchhoff stress tensor
皮奥拉应变张量 piola strain tensor
管配置 pipe arrangement
管连接 pipe connection
管中扩散 pipe diffusion
管道怜 pipe flow
管路 pipe line
管道损耗 pipe loss
管道阻力 pipe resistance
管壁 pipe wall
管道屏蔽泵; pipeline canned motor pump
管道泵; pipeline mounted pump
螺纹连接管道泵; pipeline mounted pump with screwed connections
焊接管道泵; pipeline mounted pump with welded connections
设置管道 piping
管道系统 piping system.
铺管工程 Piping work:
容积泵; pisitive displacement pump