刚塑性边界 plastic rigid boundary
塑性强度 plastic strength
塑性应力 plastic stress
塑性应力函数 plastic stress function
塑性应力面 plastic stress surface
塑性粘度 plastic viscosity
塑性波 plastic wave
塑性功 plastic work
塑性屈服 plastic yield
橡皮泥 plasticine
塑性条件 plasticity condition
亨奇塑性理论 plasticity theory of hencky
塑性强度 plastic strength
塑性应力 plastic stress
塑性应力函数 plastic stress function
塑性应力面 plastic stress surface
塑性粘度 plastic viscosity
塑性波 plastic wave
塑性功 plastic work
塑性屈服 plastic yield
橡皮泥 plasticine
塑性条件 plasticity condition
亨奇塑性理论 plasticity theory of hencky
塑性阈 plasticity threshold
增塑 plasticizing
塑性体动力学 plasticodynamics
塑性体静力学 plasticostatics
塑弹性的 plasto elastic
塑性非弹性的 plasto inelastic
塑性体 plastomer
塑度计 plastometer
塑性测定 plastometry
平板承载试验 plate bearing test
板大梁 plate girder
板理论 plate theory
筛板厚度 plate thickness
板块厚度 plate thickness
planer plein
绘图 plotting
测深锤 plumb
羽流烟羽 plume
柱塞计量泵; plunger metering pump
纵摇 plunging
空气缓冲器气力减震器 pneumatic buffer
气动卡盘 pneumatic chuck
气动驱动 pneumatic drive
气动蒂器 pneumatic governor
气动机构 pneumatic mechanism
气动压力机 pneumatic press
气动夯锤 pneumatic rammer
气动起子 Pneumatic screw driver
耐压壳 pneumatic shell
气动信号 pneumatic signal