抽芽不良 defective upsiding down
探伤仪 defectoscope
筐 deficiency
制程不良 deficient manufacturing procedure
来料不良 deficient purchase
爆燃 deflagration
爆燃压力 deflagration pressure
爆燃速率 deflagration speed
爆燃波 deflagration wave
偏转力 deflecting force
致偏转矩 deflecting torque
挠度 deflection
探伤仪 defectoscope
筐 deficiency
制程不良 deficient manufacturing procedure
来料不良 deficient purchase
爆燃 deflagration
爆燃压力 deflagration pressure
爆燃速率 deflagration speed
爆燃波 deflagration wave
偏转力 deflecting force
致偏转矩 deflecting torque
挠度 deflection
挠角 deflection angle
偏转常数 deflection constant
致偏效率 deflection efficiency
偏转函数 deflection function
板的挠度 deflection of plate
指针偏转 deflection of the needle
偏转灵敏度 deflection sensitivity
挠曲叠加 deflection superposition
挠曲面 deflection surface
偏转器 deflector
可形变介质 deformable medium
可弯曲面 deformable surface
形变偏量 deformation deviator
形变效应 deformation effect
变形能 deformation energy
形变能量密度 deformation energy density
变形方程 deformation equation
形变假说 deformation hypothesis
形变损耗 deformation loss
形变矩阵 deformation matrix
应变量度 deformation measure
变形法 deformation method
对镣形变 deformation of convective type
介质变形 deformation of media
形变参数 deformation parameter
形变周期 deformation period
形变势 deformation potential
应变率 deformation rate
变形速率张量 deformation rate tensor
应变弛豫 deformation relaxation