轴向摆动 axial runout
轴向载面 axial section?
轴向单吸液循环泵; axial single entry liquid ringpump
轴向吸入泵; axial suctionpump
轴对称 axial symmetry
轴向齿廓 axial tooth profile
轴两涡轮 axial turbine
轴两透平增压器 axial turbocharger
轴矢量 axial vector
轴向的 axial?
中开泵; axially splitpump
轴对称流轴对称怜 axially symmetric flow
轴向载面 axial section?
轴向单吸液循环泵; axial single entry liquid ringpump
轴向吸入泵; axial suctionpump
轴对称 axial symmetry
轴向齿廓 axial tooth profile
轴两涡轮 axial turbine
轴两透平增压器 axial turbocharger
轴矢量 axial vector
轴向的 axial?
中开泵; axially splitpump
轴对称流轴对称怜 axially symmetric flow
公理 axiom
约束公理 axiom of constraint
公理系统 axiomatics
向心的 axipetal
横坐标轴 axis of abscissas
弯曲中心轴 axis of center of bending
曲率轴 axis of curvature
纵坐标轴 axis of ordinates
回转轴 axis of revolution
牵引轴 axis of traction
轴对称的 axisymmetric
轴对称物体 axisymmetric body
轴对称单元 axisymmetric element
轴对称流 axisymmetric flow
轴对称问题 axisymmetric problem
车轴 axle
轴距 axle base
轴轴承 axle bearing
轴箱 axle box
轴箱轴承 axle box bearing
轴环 axle collar
轴箱导板 axle guard
车轴车床 axle lathe
轴负载 axle load
车轴负载 axle load?
轴测投影法 axonometry
共沸点 azeotropic temperature
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