碳化深度 carbonation depth混凝土碳化表层 carbonation front of concrete
碳化过程 carbonation process
金刚砂路带;碳化硅路带 carborundum strip
看守员;管理员 caretaker
货物装卸区 cargo handling area
载货升降机 cargo lift
货物装卸区 cargo working area
车位 carport
运载量;载重量;承载能力 carrying capacity
制图师 Cartographer
制图学 cartography
分割地段 carve out a lot
套管桩 case pile
竖铰链窗 casement window
外壳;套管;框〔门窗〕 casing
铸铁;生铁 cast iron
铸铁导管 cast iron conductor
铸铁盖 cast iron cover
铸铁管 cast iron pipe
铸铁废水管 cast iron waste pipe
浇注锚固 cast-in anchorage
预埋锚栓 cast-in fixing bolt
预制件工场;浇灌场 casting basin
浇注期 casting cycle
预制件工场;浇灌场 casting yard
灌注;现场浇筑 cast-in-place
灌注混凝土基础 cast-in-place concrete foundation
灌注桩;现浇桩 cast-in-place pile
现浇;就地浇筑;原地铸造 cast-in-situ
现浇混凝土组件 cast-in-situ concrete unit
现浇桩 cast-in-situ pile
空置单位 casual vacancy
竖梯;便梯;“猫梯” cat ladder
斜坡记录册 Catalogue of Slopes
挡片;制止器;扣掣;门扣 catch
防护栅;斜棚;扇形防护网架 catch fan
拦截围墙 catch fence
集水井;排水井 catch pit
坠台 catch platform
集水区;顾客来源区;载客范围〔公共交通工具〕 catchment
集水区;集水范围;集水面积 catchment area