悬臂梁;“ 鸡” cantilever beam悬臂桥 cantilever bridge
悬臂吊机 cantilever crane
悬臂基脚 cantilever footing
悬臂基础;悬臂地基 cantilever foundation
悬臂式挡土墙 cantilever retaining wall
悬臂式板桩墙 cantilever sheet pile wall
悬臂板 cantilever slab
悬臂支架 cantilever support
悬臂式行人道 cantilever walkway
悬臂式行人径 cantilevered footpath
悬臂式平板檐篷 cantilevered slab canopy
红砖 Canton tile
护顶;桩帽;柱帽 cap
高流量的道路 capacity road
桩帽 cap-block
渗锡溶接配件;毛细接合配件;“走锡配件” capillary fittings
毛细管水 capillary water
楼宇资本价值 capital value of premises
基本建设工程;基建工程 capital works
工务委员会 Capital Works Committee
基本工程合约 capital works contract
基本工程储备基金 Capital Works Reserve Fund
租金收入转化为资本 capitalization of rental income
租值利润的资本转化比率 capitalization rate of profit rent
租值利润的资本转化值 capitalized value of profit rent
加帽混凝土芯 capped concrete core
封顶 capping
压檐木 capping piece
汽车组装用途 car assembling use
升降机厢 car cab
停车场管理公司 car park operator
停车场私营化计划 car park privatization scheme
停车场暂准豁免书 car park waiver
修车场 car repairing depot
汽车贸易存货场 car trade storage yard
汽车贸易用途 car trade use
碳刷 carbon brush
碳柱 carbon pile
碳环 carbon ring
含碳钢 carbon steel
碳条 carbon strip