供水设备 water supply plant供水体系 water supplying system
水面蒸发 water surface evaporation
水温 water temperature
稻田水温 water temperature in rice field
水田芥 watercress
湿桑 watered mulberry leaf
水育秧床 watered seedbed
喂水处 watering area
喷壶 watering can
狐尾藻 watermifoil
波叶的 wave leaved
蜡质层 wax coat
蜜蜡提取器 wax extractor
冬瓜 wax gourd
蜡质种玉米 waxy maize
弱漂白土 weak podzolic soil
断奶仔猪 weaned pig
断奶重 weaning weight
断奶只数 weanling number
气象气候条件 weather and climate condition
天气控制 weather control
天气害 weather damage
天气船 weather ship
风化石 weathered granite
风化石层 weathered granite horizon
风化速度 weathering speed
风化型 weathering type
杂草防除 weed control
杂草丛生 weed infestation
除草机 weeder
除草 weeding
机械除草 weeding by machine
水田锄草 weeding of paddy field
杂草防除体系 weeding system
垂柳 weeping willow
象虫科 weevils
增重 weight increment
一升茧重 weight of cocoons per liter
断奶窝重 weight of weaning litter
加权偏差 weighted deviation
井式排水 well type drainage