中毒性皮炎 toxic dermatitis毒草中毒 toxic plant poisoning
毒蜘蛛 toxic spider
百菌清 tpn
微量添加剂 trace mineral supplement
气管呼吸 tracheal respiration
气管炎 tracheitis
导管植物 tracheophyta
气管切开术 tracheotomy
轮迹松土器 track loosener
链轨式拖拉机 tracklaying tractor
拖拉机牵引中耕锄 tractor drawn hoe
拖拉机技术保养 tractor maintenance
拖拉机悬挂式喷粉机 tractor mounted duster
拖拉机悬挂型机具 tractor mounted implement
机引犁 tractor plough
拖拉机拖车 tractor trailer
信风 trade wind
拖车联结装置 trailer hitch
牵引犁 trailer plough
性状 trait
转导因子 transduced element
转导噬菌体 transducing phage
转基因动物 transgenic animal
超亲育种 transgression breeding
越亲分离 transgressive segregation
渐进多态现象 transient polymorphism
平移酌 transitional action
层次过渡形态 transitional form of horizon
过渡性灭草剂 transitional herbicide
消化中毒杀虫剂 translocale insecticide
猪传染性肠胃炎 transmissible gastroenteritis of swine
蒸腾系数 transpiration coefficient
受精卵移植 transplantation of fertilized egg
苗移栽 transplantation of seedlings
移栽机 transplanter
移秧栽培 transplanting culture
定植苗 transplanting stock
运送病 transport disease
诱虫带 trap band
诱虫罪 trap crop
外伤性皮肤炎 traumatic dermatitis