贮藏养分 reserve nutrient养分储存 reserve of nutrients
贮藏蛋白质 reserve protein
贮藏物 reserve substance
贮藏温度 reserve temperature
库容 reservoir storage capacity
渣子桑 residual mulberry
残留性农药 residual phytosanitary product
残留毒性 residual toxicity
剩余抗原 residue antigen
农药残留 residue of pesticide
酱渣 residue of soya
抗性检验 resistance assay
抗性机制 resistance mechanism
精子抗力 resistance of sperm
侵入抵抗性 resistance to penetration
抗性品种 resistant variety
抗性育种 resistive breeding
抵抗性源 resource of resistance
蚕呼吸 respiration of silkworm
呼吸活性 respiratory activity
呼吸道疾病 respiratory disease
呼吸瀑 respiratory organ
呼吸生理 respiratory physiology
呼吸速度 respiratory rate
呼吸根 respiratory root
呼吸基质 respiratory substrate
呼吸系统 respiratory system
气象反应性 responsiveness to weather
休眠期 resting stage
再组核 restitution nucleus
限量饲喂 restricted feeding
限制基因 restriction gene
保持水 retained water
延缓型冷害 retarding type of cool summer damage
胎衣滞留 retention of afterbirth
网状内皮组织增殖 reticuloendotheliosis
返回期 return period
圆盘翻转双向犁 reversible disc plough
花序轴 rhachis
风湿病 rheumatism
猫鼻炎病毒 rhinitis virus of cat