覆盆子 raspberry瘪谷率 rate of avoltive grain
被害率 rate of damage
叶面积率 rate of leaf area
质量减少率 rate of mass reduction
光合生产率 rate of photosynthesis yield
精子畸形率 rate of teratosperm
粗蛋白比 ratio of crude protein
谷草比 ratio of grain to straw
叶龄率 ratio of leaf age
瘤率 ratio of outflow
有效分蘖率 ratio of productive tiller
条牧 ration grazing
限量放牧 rationed grazing
再生栽培 ratooning
出丝量 raw silk percentage of cocoon
茧丝检查 raw silk test
再交 re copulation
饲料的灰分反应 reaction of feed ash
收获机 reaping machine
后躯 rear quarters
后轮传动 rear wheel drive
蚕座 rearing bed
饲育场 rearing centre
蚕具 rearing instrument
大蚕饲养 rearing of grown silkworm
养蚕 rearing of silkworm
稚蚕饲育 rearing of young silkworms
蚕架 rearing stand
采集桑葚 receiving of mulberry seed
花托 receptacle
隐性上位 recessive epistasis
复盐化 rechlorination
受体菌 recipient bacterium
正反交 reciprocal cross
相反交叉 reciprocal crossing over
正反交杂种 reciprocal hybrid
交互重组 reciprocal recombination
相互易位 reciprocal translocation
开垦土 reclaimed soil
开垦的海涂地 reclaimed tideland
重组基因 recombination gene