花盖 perigone紫苏 perilla
苏子饼 perilla cake
返青期 period of seedling establishment
马周期性眼炎 periodical eye inflamation of equines
定期预察 periodical monitoring
定期预报 periodical prognosis
牛犊周期性臌胀 periodical tympanites of calf
腹膜炎 peritonitis
围食膜 peritrophic membrane
永久黄体 permanent corpus luteum
永久性草地 permanent grassland
永久草甸 permanent meadow
永久牧场 permanent pasture
完全萎凋湿度 permanent wilting moisture
容许残留量 permissible residual amount
持久性变异 persistent modification
治虫设备 pest control equipment
有害螨 pest mite
鸭疫 pest of duck
农药活性 pesticide activity
杀虫罪 pesticide crop
农药持久性 pesticide persistence
花瓣 petal
小菌落突变体 petite mutant
硬化石膏层土壤 petric gipsisol
汽油发动机 petrol engine
森林草原土 phaeozem
噬菌体载体 phage vector
噬细胞 phagocyte
高位芽植物 phanerophytes
药用植物学 pharmaceutical botany
药物治疗 pharmacotherapy
相位特异性 phase specificity
雉 pheasant
芬硫磷 phenkapton
表型群 phenogroup
苯酚类除草剂 phenol herbicide
酚类化合物 phenolic compound
物候历 phenological calendar
物候观测 phenological observation
物候季节 phenological season