温床栽培 hot bed culture火球式发动机 hot bulb engine
温床苗床 hot nursery bed
辛辣味 hot taste
高温废水 hot waste water
温水育雏器 hot water brooder
温汤消毒 hot water disinfection
温汤去雄 hot water emasculation
温室果实 hothouse fruit
荚 hull
谷子麸 hull of italian millet
腐殖质强淋溶土 humic acrisol
腐殖质暗色土 humic andosol
腐殖质始成土 humic cambisol
腐殖质铁铝土 humic ferralsol
腐殖质强风粘磐土 humic nitosol
腐殖质粘磐土 humic planosol
腐殖质灰壤 humic podzol
湿润指数 humid index
蚕饲育湿度 humidity for silkworm rearing
湿度指数 humidity index
秧田水分 humidity of seedbed
腐殖化系数 humification coefficient
腐殖化程度 humification degree
腐殖化强度 humification depth
腐殖化过程 humification process
体液免疫 humoral immunity
腐殖圈 humosphere
腐殖质聚积层 humus accumulated horizon
腐殖质沉积 humus accumulation
腐殖集积能 humus accumulation energy
腐殖质年龄 humus age
腐殖质均衡 humus balance
腐殖质含量 humus content
腐殖淋溶层 humus eluvial horizon
腐殖质灰化土 humus podzolic soil
玉米营养钵 humus pot of maize seedling
蔬菜营养钵 humus pot of vegetable seedling
腐殖集积量 humus reserve
腐殖质粘土化过程 humus siallitization
腐殖污泥 humus sludge
腐殖物质 humus substance