辅助交配 hand mating手挤奶 hand milking
手摇铡草机 hand operated chopper
手动起垄器 hand ridger
手摇播种机 hand seed drill
体格测量尺 hand stick
手叉 handrake
悬着毛管水 hanging capillary water
薄层暗色土 haplic andosol
薄层栗钙土 haplic castanozem
薄层黑钙土 haplic chernozem
典型黑土 haplic phaeozem
薄层干旱土 haplic xerosol
薄层漠境土 haplic yermosol
单倍体不亲和性 haploid incompatibility
单倍体法 haplomethod
单倍体 haplont
单倍体不育 haplontic sterility
钎性 haptotaxis
向触性 haptotropism
硬质纤维罪 hard fibre plants
硬叶的 hard leaved
硬叶林 hard leaved forest
硬质小麦 hard wheat
硬化碳酸盐土壤 hardened carbonate soil
硬层 hardened horizon
脂肪硬化 hardening of fats
野兔 hare
菜豆 haricot bean
收获干燥 harvest drying
产量变动 harvest fluctuation
产量指数 harvest index
收割期 harvest time
收获物 harvested product
收获次数 harvesting frequency
收获期损失 harvesting loss
收获方法 harvesting method
采茧 harvesting of cocoon
戟形的 hastate
孵化场 hatchery
孵化厂废品 hatchery residue
种蛋 hatching egg