高山放牧地 alpine pasture林生草莓 alpine strawberry
高山冻原 alpine tundra
杂种车轴草 alsike clover
苹果斑点性落叶病 alternaria leaf spot and fruit rot of apple
棉花黑斑病 alternaria leaf spot of cotton
茄子褐斑病 alternaria leaf spot of egg plant
柑桔黑腐病 alternaria of orange
萝卜黑斑病 alternaria spot and blight of garden radish
油菜黑斑病 alternaria stem rot of colza
隔年结实 alternate bearing
轮换放牧 alternate grazing
互生 alternate phylloaxis
翅瓣 alula
肺泡气 alveolar air
肺泡 alveolus of lung
苦杏仁球蛋白 amandin
苋科植物 amaranthaceous plant
环境土壤 ambient soil
钝叶的 amblyophyllous
双受体 amboceptor
步带的 ambulacral
步足 ambulatory leg
蜜蜂阿米巴病 amebiasis of bee
变形虫的 amebic
变形细胞 amebocyte
变形虫样的 ameboid
柔荑花序植物 amentaceous plant
龙舌兰 american agave
美洲蜜蜂腐蛹病 american foulbrood
莠灭净 ametryn
酰胺化水解酶 amide hydrolases
酰胺态氮 amide nitrogen
酰胺氮肥料 amide nitrogen fertilizer
酰胺转移酶 amide transferase
水禽裂钩线病 amidostomosis of aquatic bird
氨基酸活性酶 amino acid activating enzyme
氨基酸活化 amino acid activation
氨基酸氧化酶 amino acid oxidase
氨基转移酶 aminopherase
敌磷 amiphos
无丝分裂的 amitotic