制造信息及控制系统 manufacturing information and control system,MIACS制造信息系统 manufacturing information system
制造信息系统支持整合 manufacturing information system support integrate
制造信息系统支持整合在线操作 manufacturing information system support integrated on-line,MISSION
制造前置时间 manufacturing lead time
制造前置时间调整 manufacturing lead time adjustment
制造管理工作站 manufacturing management workstation
制造讯息格式标准 manufacturing message format standard,MMFS
制造业讯息服务 manufacturing message service
制造监视系统 manufacturing monitoring system,MMS
制造开放状态码 manufacturing open status code
制造操作系统 manufacturing operating system,MOS
制造作业描述 manufacturing operation description
制造命令 manufacturing order
制造命令号码 manufacturing order number
制造命令报废异动 manufacturing order scrap transaction
制造命令状态报表 manufacturing order status report
制造命令汇总文件维护 manufacturing order summary file maintenance
已核发之制造命令 manufacturing orders released
制造质量控制 manufacturing quality control,MQC
制造记录处理机 manufacturing record processor,MRP
制造记录控制 manufacturing records control,MRC
制造资源规划 manufacturing resource planning
制造资源 manufacturing resources
制造排程日期 manufacturing schedule date
制造支持程序 manufacturing support program
手工 manularity
手稿,原稿 manuscript
多维 many dimensions
多遍编译器 many passes compiler
多级 many stages
多对一 many to one
多对一函数 many to one function
多对一关联 many to one relationship
多值逻辑 many value logic
多变量系统 many variable system
多路选择 many way selection
多对一概念 many-for-one concept
多对一语言 many-for-one languages
多对多 many-many
多一可归性 many-one reducibility
多至一简化 many-one reduction