接缝烙铁 seaming iron封罐锟子 seaming roll
无缝管 seamless pipe
无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe
无缝管 seamless tube
水上飞机 seaplane
探照灯 search light
探索雷达 search radar
测隙规 searcher
季裂 season crack
季裂 season cracking
风干木材 seasoned timber
风干木 seasoned wood
风干,季化,干燥 seasoning
座,座位 seat
座垫 seat cushion
座垫弹簧 seat cushion spring
座架 seat frame
座环 seat ring
座台 seat stand
座面,配座 seating
座面弧 seating arc
座位配置 seating arrangement
座位数量,座位容量 seating capacity
适航性(海) seaworthiness
正割,割线 secant
修枝剪刀,尖剪刀,截断铁丝之钳 secateur
秒,第二 second
二挡 second [speed] gear
第二种愩杆 second class lever
中级纹锉 second cut file
二挡 second gear
秒针,旧货 second hand
第二谐波(第二谐和函数) second harmonic
铆钉 second head
运动第二定律 second law of motion
热力学第二定律 second law of thremodynamics
断面二次矩 second moment of area
秒针 second pointer
第二级膨胀 second stage expansion
副作用 secondary action
次级空气 secondary air