树脂漆,树胶漆 resin paint树脂处理 resin treatment
树脂结合磨轮 resinoid grinding wheel
阻力,电阻,抵抗 resistance
电阻对头熔接 resistance batt welding
电阻箱 resistance box
电阻硬焊 resistance brazing
阻力系数 resistance coefficient
电阻线圈 resistance coil
阻力控制,电阻控制 resistance control
电阻结合 resistance coupling
阻力曲线 resistance curve
阻力 resistance force
电阻炉 resistance furnace
电阻加热 resistance heating
阻力马力 resistance horsepower
阻力损失 resistance loss
阻力液体压力计 resistance manometer
电阻计 resistance meter
空气阻力 resistance of air
摩擦阻力 resistance of friction
热传导抵抗 resistance of heat conduction
热传递抵抗 resistance of heat transmission
运动阻力 resistance of motion
电阻高温计 resistance pyrometer
电阻调整器 resistance regulator
电阻缝熔接 resistance seam welding
电阻点熔接 resistance spot welding
标准电阻器 resistance standard
电阻开关 resistance switch
阻力试验,电阻试验 resistance test
电阻温度计 resistance thermometer
电阻管 resistance tube
电阻熔接机 resistance welder
电阻熔接 resistance welding
电阻丝 resistance wire
阻力 resisting force
阻力矩 resisting moment
电阻系数,电阻率 resistivity
电阻器 resistor
电阻线圈 resistor coil
分解,解像度 resolution of vector