锤头扁顶端 peen敲打硬化 peen hardening
尖底捣锤(铸造) peen rammer
锤平,轻敲 peening
扁头锤 peening hammer
珠击法 peening shot
窥孔 peep hole (singt hole)
圆孔照门(鎗炮) peep sight
钉,椿 peg
小丸 pellet
制丸机 pelletizer
球结法 pelletizing process
帕尔登水轮机 Pelton wheel
增压砂心(铸造) pencil core
雨淋式进模口 pencil gate
雨淋式环浇口 pencil ring gate
吊锤 pendant
[横切]摆 pendulum [cross cut] saw
架空斗运送机 pendulum conveyor
摆宒梜t器 pendulum governor"
摆■释遘桲蝢 pendulum impact tester
摆■释遘桲蝢 pendulum impact testing machine"
摆坒遘H机 pendulum mill"
摆坁o润器 pendulum oiler
摆 pendulum pump
摆尪 pendulum saw"
悬摆w定性 pendulum stability"
摆 pendulum weight
穿透性 penetrability"
贯入抵抗 penetralion resistance
熔合区(熔接) penetralion zone
穿透计 penetra-meter
渗透剂 penetrant
渗透剂试验 penetrant test
渗透,贯穿 penetrate
长榫 penetrated mortise and tenon
渗透剂 penetrating agent
渗润油 penetrating oil
渗过能,贯穿力 penetrating power
贯穿,渗透 penetration
吃刀 penetration of tool
针穿度计 penetro-meter