开口垫圈 open washer敞开热水器 open water heater
敞口井 open well
开式壳倾斜力压机 open-back inclinable power press
敞开式隧道 open-cut tunnel
开口循环式燃气轮机 open-cycle gas turbine
开口扳钳 open-end wrench
开罐器,开沟器 opener
粗松组织(铸造) open-grain structure
平炉 open-hearth furnace
平炉法 open-hearth process
平炉钢 open-hearth steel (Simens Martin Steel)
开口,通路,开启度 opening
内闪 opening in
旋塞开启度 opening of cock
节目 opening of sieve
阀门开启度 opening of valve
外开 opening out
开口支援格架 open-lattice
运转费用 operating cost
操作情况,运转情况 operating condition
操动气缸 operating cylinder
有效距离 operating distance
运转坡度(铁路) operating grade
操作手柄 operating handle
操作说明书,运转说明书 operating instruction
工作曲线 operating line
操动活塞 operating piston
作业坑 operating pit
操作实习 operating pravtice
运转压力 operating pressure
齿合压力角(齿轮) operating pressure angle
操作杆 operating rod
工作室 operating room
操作轴 operating shaft
运转速率 operating speed
操作应力 operating stress
运转时间 operating time
操作故障,运转故障 operating trouble
操作阀 operating valve
操作,操动,运动 operation
操作日程 operation chedule