可变形性 deformability变位 deformation
变位带 deformation band
变形能 deformation energy
变形量规 deformation gage
变形硬度 deformation hardness
变形张量 deformation tenser
变形理论 deformation theory
变形振动 deformation vibration
竹节钢节 deformed bar
除霜 defrost
除霜器 defroster
除气 degas
除气钢 degassed steel
化成,除气法 degassing
除气退火 degassing anneal
除气熔剂 degassing flux
边缘铣法 dege milling
退化 degeneracy
退化 degeneration
能之衰退 degeneration of energy
退化,降级 degradation
除脂剂,除脂器 degreaser
除脂 degreasing
度,次(数学),程度 degree
锤度 degree brix
增幅度 degree of amplification
透明度 degree of clearness
浓度 degree of concentration
稠度 degree of consistency
耦合度 (电机) degree of coupling
曲线度数 (道度) degree of curvature
密度度 degree of density
分散度 degree of dispersion
扩解度 degree of dissociation
抽空度 degree of exhaustion
疲劳度 degree of fatigue
自由度 degree of freedom
硬度 degree of hardness
脱离度 degree of liberation
调变度 degree of modulation
污染程度 degree of pollution