水上飞机海豚跳 seaplane porpoise水上飞机趸船;水上飞机浮动码头 seaplane raft
水上飞机坡道 seaplane ramp
水上飞机试验槽 seaplane tank
水上飞机俯仰角 seaplane trim
搜寻救护 search and rescue (SAR)
搜纳 search and rescue and homing (Sarah)
搜救协调中心 search and rescue coordination center
搜寻救护区 search and rescue region (SRR)
搜救天线 search antenna
自动干扰器 search jammer
探照灯;搜索灯 search light
搜索雷达 search radar
海洋卫星 seasat
干燥法;气候处理 seasoning
通气干燥 seasoning; air
人工干燥 seasoning; artificial
热气干燥 seasoning; hot air
自然干燥 seasoning; natural
熏干 seasoning; smoke
蒸气干燥 seasoning; steam
座椅;座位;座 seat
并列座位 seat abreast
座椅臂靠;座椅扶手 seat arm rest
座椅安全带 seat belt
座位容量 seat capacity
座位配置 seat configuration
座垫 seat cushion
座椅头靠 seat head rest
座位酬载率 seat load factor
火位 seat of fire
座包式降落伞 seat pack parachute
座椅间距 seat pitch
可调座椅 seat; adjustable
装甲座椅 seat; armoured
后向座 seat; backward-facing
折椅 seat; collapsible
折椅 seat; folding
前向座 seat; forward-facing
前座 seat; front
后座 seat; rear
并排座位 seat; side-by-side