安定架 stabilizing gear稳定翼形 stable airfoil
稳定平衡 stable equilibrium
稳定振荡 stable oscillation
稳定起伏 stable phugoid
稳定状态 stable state
排气短管 stack
视距瞄准 stadiametric aiming
视距测距 stadiametric ranging
视距警示 stadiametric warning
特殊任务飞行员 staff pilot
级;节;站;阶级 stage
单级费用 stage cost
级效率 stage efficiency
各段飞行 stage flight
阶段燃油 stage fuel
站程 stage length
衰竭期 stage of exhaustion
抗拒期 stage of resistance
级压力 stage pressure
级压力系数 stage pressure coefficient
级温度 stage temperature
级时间 stage time
级速度 stage velocity
值班空勤组 staged crew
斜罩;翼差 stagger
交错角 stagger angle
交错调谐 stagger tuning
交错式双翼机 stagger wing
分级;分节 staging
中间基地 staging base
站点 staging point
停滞性缺氧 stagnant hypoxia
止流;停滞 stagnation
停滞热焓 stagnation enthalpy
止流点;停滞点 stagnation point
停滞压力 stagnation pressure
停滞失速 stagnation stall
停滞流线 stagnation streamline
停滞温度 stagnation temperature
失速 stall
失速角 stall angle