空速表 speed indicator高速落地 speed landing
速率线 speed line
光速 speed of light
转率 speed of revolution
旋转速率 speed of rotation
速率范围 speed range
增速比 speed ratio
速率姿态控制系统 speed/attitude control system (SACS)
过载为1的失速速率 speed; 1g stall
中断起飞极限速率 speed; abort
绝对速率 speed; absolute
过载失速速率 speed; accelerated stall
检查加速情况速率 speed; acceleration check
存取速率 speed; access
音速;声速 speed; acoustic
实际速率 speed; actual
空速 speed; air
空中最小操纵速率 speed; air minimum control
螺旋桨转速 speed; airscrew
螺旋桨圆周速率 speed; airscrew blade
着陆速率 speed; alighting
燃尽速率 speed; all-burnt
全发航线上升速率 speed; all-engine-enroute-climb
平飞最大速率 speed; all-out level
容许颤振速率 speed; allowable flutter
角速率 speed; angular
表现速率 speed; apparent
进场着陆速率 speed; approach
水漂速率 speed; aquaplaning
任意速率 speed; arbitrary
上升速率 speed; ascending
攻击速率 speed; attack
自动驾驶速率 speed; automatic-pilot
自动速率 speed; autorotation
平均速率 speed; average
航线平均速率;平均周转速率 speed; average operating
弹头平均速率 speed; average projectile
气流轴向速率 speed; axial-flow
方向急转速率 speed; azimuth slew
后飞速率 speed; backward
第四边速率 speed; base (leg)