感测组件 sensing element灵敏高度计 sensitive altimeter
灵敏度 sensitivity
传感器 sensor
太阳角传感器 sensor sun
感觉损失;剥夺 sensory deprivation
分离流 separated flow
分离;分流 separation
分离角 separation angle
分开距离 separation distance
分离流 separation flow
分离线 separation line
分离动作 separation manoeuver
最低隔离标准 separation minima
分离点;分流点 separation point
分离式火箭 separation rocket
分离应力 separation stress
分离面 separation surface
边界层分流 separation; boundary layer
分离布 separator cloth
鼻中膈修补术 septoplasty
序 sequence
顺序闪光灯 sequence flashing lights
事件顺序 sequence of events
定时天气报告 sequence report
相序 sequence; phase
顺序闪光灯 sequenced flashing lights
顺序控制 sequential control
程序相关测距系统 sequential correlation ranging (secor)
晴天雨 serein
序号 serial number
串联方向舵 serial rudders
串联 series
串联制动器 series actuators
串馈天线 series-fed antenna
重伤害 serious injury
锯齿 serration
勤务;保养;服务;飞航;营运 service
修护停机坪 service apron
应定期航行时间服务 service available during hours of scheduled operations
应航行需要服务 service available to meet operational requirements
实弹 service bomb