钝化 passivation消极防空 passive air defense
被动姿态控制系统 passive attitude control system (PACS)
被动反制 passive countermeasure
被动阻尼;惯性阻尼 passive damping
被动侦察及测距雷达 passive detection and ranging radar (Padar)
被动电子反制 passive electronic countermeasures (PECM)
被动组件 passive element
被动导引 passive guidance
被动归向 passive homing
消极干扰 passive jamming
被动模式 passive mode
被动并联 passive paralleling
被动雷达 passive radar
被动测距 passive ranging
被动式测距都普勒雷达 passive ranging Doppler radar (pardop)
被动卫星 passive satellite
被动声纳 passive sonar
被动稳定杆 passive stabilizer bar
被动热控制 passive thermal control
被动警示雷达 passive warning radar (PWR)
摩擦补片 patch; chafing
槽形补片 patch; channel
指状补片 patch; finger
吊索补片 patch; suspension
修补 patching
动脉导管未闭锁 patent ductus arteriosis
航道 path
路线控制 path control
探路雷达 path finder
拓荒者计划 path finder project
路径长 path length
路线 path line
途径损失 path loss
过程路线 path of process
弹道 path of projectile
探路机 pathfinder aircraft
探路机空投区管制 pathfinder drop-zone control (PDZC)
致病菌 pathogenic organisms
病理学家 pathologist
病理学 pathology
巡逻 patrol