择要检修 inspect and repair as necessary (IRAN)检查;检验;检测 inspection
检查手册 inspection guide
检测时距 inspection interval
检验要点报告 inspection layout report
检查设备 inspection provision
细部检测 inspection; detailed
一般目视检测 inspection; general visual
特别精细检测 inspection; special detailed
结构检测 inspection; structural
一般检测 inspection; surveillance
巡行检查 inspection; walk around
入螺旋偏航 inspin yaw
吸气 inspiration
不稳定;不稳度 instability
不稳定线 instability line
对流不稳定 instability; convectional
安装;装置 installation
装备外形图 installation envelope
装备 installed equipment
瞬间G值 instantaneous G
瞬间线速度 instantaneous linear velocity
瞬间读出 instantaneous readout
瞬间转弯率 instantaneous turning rate
瞬间升降速率表 instantaneous vertical speed indicator (IVSI)
瞬间折断点 instantaneous zone
电机电子工程师学会(美) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
指令 instruction
说明书 instruction book
说明卡 instruction card
教练飞行 instructional flight
教练飞行 instructional flying
仪器 instrument (INSTR)
仪器及微波降落系统 instrument and microwave landing system
仪器进场 instrument approach
仪器进场及降落图 instrument approach and landing chart (IAL)
仪器进场区 instrument approach area
仪器进场灯光系统 instrument approach light system
仪器进场程序 instrument approach procedure
仪表板 instrument board
仪器轰炸 instrument bombing
仪器修正 instrument correction