热能 heat energy热机 heat engine
热赤道 heat equator
热交换器 heat exchanger
热通向量 heat flux vector
热指数 heat index
热绝缘体 heat insulator
热闪 heat lightning
热损失 heat loss
烧蚀热 heat of ablation
化合热 heat of combination
燃烧热 heat of combustion
压缩热 heat of compression
凝结热 heat of condensation
蒸发热 heat of evaporation
生成热 heat of formation
反应热 heat of reaction
凝固热 heat of solidification
汽化热 heat of vaporization
热像 heat picture
热脉冲 heat pulse
热泵 heat pump
热辐射 heat radiation
热寻标器 heat seeker
防热板 heat shield
散热剂;除热装置;热沈;热汇 heat sink
热源 heat source
热雷雨 heat thunderstorm
热传递 heat transfer
热处理 heat treatment
热波 heat wave
内热 heat; internal
热功当量 heat; mechanical equivalent of
辐射热 heat; radiant
比热 heat; specific
热容照相任务 heat-capacity mapping mission (HCMM)
加热器;暖器 heater
加热套筒 heating muff
热导率 heating rate
加温系 heating system
热值 heating value
空气动力加热 heating; aerodynamic