附件齿轮箱 accessory gear box发动机附件 accessory; engine
失事 accident
失事调查 accident investigation
失事调查报告 accident investigation report
失误倾向 accident proneness
失事率 accident rate
失事记录器;黑盒子 accident recorder
飞行记录器 accident-protected recorder
气候适应 acclimatization
调节;适应;视力调节 accommodation
调节系数 accommodation coefficient
认证 accreditation
官方特派代表 accredited representative
积能 accumulation of energy
积储器;储压器;蓄电池 accumulator
准确度 accuracy
精度及性能控制文件 accuracy and performance control document
精度控制文件 accuracy control document
精准跳伞 accuracy jump
定点着陆 accuracy landing
射击精确度 accuracy of fire
追踪准确度 accuracy; tracking
精确调谐 accu-tune
空战英雄 ace
利尿剂 acetazolamide (diamox)
丙酮 acetone
消色差透镜 achromatic lens
酸燃料发动机 acid engine
酸萃取 acid extraction
酸雨 acid precipitation
酸雨 acid rain
酸中毒;酸血症 acidosis
阿可特翼形理论 Ackeret airfoil theory
复诵 acknowledge (ACK)
复诵靶场航线 acknowledge range pattern
磁赤道 aclinic line
流线形体 acorn
浮标声音侦测器 acoubuoy
声能吸收 acoustic absorption
声滞延线 acoustic delay line
声频散 acoustic dispersion