均匀空间 uniform space均匀稳定性 uniform stability
均匀拓朴 uniform topology
均匀性;均匀构造 uniformity
单值化 uniformization
解析曲线的单值化 uniformization of analytic curve
解析函数的单值化 uniformization of analytic function
均匀有界 uniformly bounded
均匀有界变差(分) uniformly bounded variation
均匀连续 uniformly continuous
均匀收敛 uniformly convergent
匀凸空间 uniformly convex space
均匀椭圆型方程 uniformly elliptic equation
均匀局部紧致 uniformly locally compact
均匀最大功效检定 uniformly most powerful test
单面性的 unilateral
单向连续[性] unilateral continuity
单侧极限 unilateral limits
单侧曲面 unilateral surface
单峰 unimodal
单峰分布 unimodal distribution
单峰函数 unimodal function
么模的 unimodular
么模群 unimodular group
么模方阵 unimodular matrix
么模特性 unimodular property
么模变换 unimodular transformation
并;并集;联集 union
元素联集 union of element
线素联集 union of linear element
联集的并 union of set
子区间联集 union of subintervals
曲面素联集 union of surface element
单叶双曲面 uniparted hyperboloid
单切面重点 uniplanar node
幂单的 unipotent
唯一的 unique
分解的唯一性 unique factorization
唯一分解整环 unique factorization domain
因子分解中的唯一因子 unique factors in factor analysis
唯一解 unique solution
唯一性 uniqueness