四面函数 tetrahedral function四面体群 tetrahedral group
四面对称曲线 tetrahedral symmetric curve
四面体 tetrahedroid
四面形 tetrahedron
坐标四面形 tetrahedron of reference
定理 theorem
平均值定理 theorem of mean
定理型 theorem schema
理论频率 theoretic frequency
理论变元 theoretic variable
理论的 theoretical
理论计算 theoretical arithmetic
理论截断频率 theoretical cutoff frequency
理论分布函数 theoretical distribution function
理论公式 theoretical formula
论;理论 theory
代数方程论 theory of algebraic equations
代数不变式论 theory of algebraic invariants
代数论 theory of algebras
逼近论 theory of approximations
范论 theory of categories
行列式论 theory of determinants
微分方程论 theory of differential equations
方程论 theory of equations
误差论 theory of errors
体论 theory of fields
函数论 theory of functions
复变函数论 theory of functions of a complex variable
实变函数论 theory of functions of a real variable
对局论 theory of games
群论 theory of groups
无穷级数论 theory of infinite series
无理数论 theory of irrational numbers
矩阵论 theory of matrices
数论 theory of numbers
点集论 theory of point-sets
机率论 theory of probability
比例论 theory of proportion
环论 theory of rings
抽样分布论 theory of sampling distribution
存储理论 theory of storage