分布域 range of distribution影响区域 range of influence
点列 range of points
二次曲面系列 range of quadrics
值域 range of values
变量范围 range of variables
测程 ranging
秩 rank
等级相关 rank correlation
线性映像的秩 rank of a linear mapping
矩阵的秩 rank of a matrix
二次型的秩 rank of a quadratic form
变换的秩 rank of a transformation
秩空间 rank space
秩统计量 rank statistics
分级资料;分级数据 ranked data
秩评定 ranking
快收敛 rapid convergence
遽降的 rapidly decreasing
稀疏 rarefaction
变化率 rate of change
收敛率 rate of convergence
比;比率 ratio
比率推定量 ratio estimate
比率极小化 ratio minimization
分割比 ratio of division
等比 ratio of equality
优比 ratio of greater inequality
劣比 ratio of less inequality
相似比 ratio of similitude
圆周率 ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
比例尺度 ratio scale
比例检验法;检比法 ratio test
有理的 rational
有理分析 rational analysis
有理数逼近 rational approximation
有理典型简化 rational canonical reduction
有理曲线 rational curve
有理轮体 rational cycle
有理微分[方程]组 rational differential systems
有理可除性代数 rational division algebra
有理[表达]式 rational expression