旋转的 rotational旋转坐标 rotational coordinates
转动 rotational motion
纯凸的(=strictly convex) rotund
旋轮线 roulette
圆形的;[数值之]修整 round
周角 round angle
圆括号;圆括号 round bracket
约整数 rounded number
舍入 rounding
舍入常数 rounding constant
舍入误差 rounding error
约整数 rounding number
舍入数 rounding off numbers
舍入程序 rounding procedures
舍入 roundoff
常程序 routine
列{注:}"行"为column row
列等价 row equivalent
列迭式 row iteration
列阵 row matrix
列最小值规则 row minimum rule
列秩 row rank
法[则];规则;律 rule
去九法 rule for casting out the nines
数的凑整法则 rule for rounding of numbers
组合规则 rule of combination
换位规则 rule of conversion
对应规则 rule of correspondence
分离规则 rule of detachment
消元规则 rule of elimination
假位律蕴涵规则 rule of false position
蕴涵规则 rule of implication
推演规则;推理规则 rule of inference
正负号规则 rule of sign
代入规则 rule of substitution
直纹曲面 ruled surface
直尺 ruler
直纹面的母线 ruling of a ruled surface
执行[程序]时间 running time
游程;取遍;连现 runs
破裂图 rupture diagram
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