心影曲线 podoid of a curve心影曲面 podoid of a surface
心影变换 podoidal transformation
点 point
无穷远点 point at infinity
点二项式 point binomial
点素二次曲线 point conic
点坐标 point coordinates
点对应 point correspondence
点线变换 point curve transformation
点方程 point equation
点估计 point estimation
点域 point field
点函数 point function
点几何[学] point geometry
点群 point group
点列对合 point involution
聚点 point of accumulation
凝聚点 point of condensation
切点 point of contact
密集点 point of density
不连续点;间断点 point of discontinuity
分点 point of division
超密切点 point of hyperosculation
增值点 point of increase
拐点;反曲点;变曲点 point of inflection (inflexion)
交点 point of intersection
线性不变点 point of linear invariability
振动间断点;振动不连续点 point of oscillatory discontinuity
密切点 point of osculation
参考点;基准点 point of reference
静寂点 point of silence
奇点 point of singularity
切点 point of tangency
点偶 point pair
点组;点型 point pattern
点列 point range
点反射 point reflection
点松弛 point relaxation
点抽样法 point sampling
点集 point set
点集位相学 point set topology