等价变换 equivalence transformation等价的;等势的;等积的 equivalent
等势集;等幂集 equivalent aggregates
等价基底 equivalent base
等价构图 equivalent configurations
等价偏差 equivalent deviate
等价方程 equivalent equations
等价扩张(延拓) equivalent extensions
等价形式 equivalent forms
等价通性点 equivalent generic point
等价纽结 equivalent knots
等价线性化 equivalent linearization
等价线 equivalent lines
等价矩阵 equivalent matrices
等价模 equivalent module
等价位 equivalent place
等积多边形 equivalent polygons
等值命题 equivalent propositions
等价有理矩阵 equivalent rational matrices
等价关系 equivalent relation
等价表现 equivalent representation
等价序列 equivalent sequences
等价函数序列 equivalent sequences of functions
等价集;等势集 equivalent sets
等价的有号测度 equivalent signed measures
等价变换 equivalent transformation
等积三角形 equivalent triangles
等价赋值 equivalent valuations
删掉;清除 erase
sieve of Eratosthenes Eratosthenes(厄拉多塞)氏之筛
遍历的;各态经历的{注:许多ergodic theorem并未指涉到遍历性!因此宜译成长期平均定理;如Birkh off氏及V Necemann氏的} ergodic
遍历性假说 ergodic hypothesis
遍历性部分;各态经历的部分 ergodic part
遍历性过程 ergodic process
遍历性 ergodic property
遍历性随机过程 ergodic random process
遍历态 ergodic state
长期平均定理 ergodic theorem
Erlangen program Erlangen(厄个朗根)纲领;Klein氏网领
误差 error
误差界 error bounds
误差控制 error control