弹性储存器 elastic store弹性强度压力 elastic strength pressure
橡皮圈- 水桶线索 elastic-bucket trie
弹性 elasticity
弹性缓冲及链接管理 elasticity buffer and link management
弹性接触交换 elastomeric contact switching
数字化学习 e-learning
超载冒烟 Electing a Pope
选择 election
选举标示语言 election markup language
驻极体 electret
驻极体电容器 electret condenser
驻极体麦克风 electret microphone
电 electric
电子计帐机 electric accounting machine
电与磁单位 electric and magnetic units
电池 electric battery,ELB
电爆电路 electric blasting circuit
电缆 electric cable,ELC
电子计算器 electric calculating machine
电子现金收款机 electric cash register
电荷 electric charge
电路 electric circuit
电流 electric current
电流密度 electric current density
电流测量 electric current measurement
电延迟线 electric delay line
电雷管 electric detonator
电子薄膜开关 electric diaphragm switch
放电式打印机 electric discharge printer
电子位移密度 electric displacement density
电子双层 electric double layer
电偶极 electric doublet
电场 electric field
电场力 electric field force
电场强度 electric field strength
电机的计算器辅助设计 electric machine CAD
电子邮件 electric mail
电矩 electric moment
电动马达 electric motor,EM
电容率 electric permittivity
电极化(作用) electric polarization