接收设备 receiving equipment接收边限 receiving margin
接收凿孔机 receiving perforator
接收程 receiving range
接收机 receiving set
接收电台;接收站 receiving station
受电站;受电变电所 receiving substation
接收系统之优值 receiving system figure of merit
接收(真空)管 receiving tube
瓷夹灯座 receptacle, cleat
双插座 receptacle, duplex
平壁插座 receptacle, flush
灯用插座 receptacle, lighting
槽板插座 receptacle, molding
定极插座 receptacle, polarized
电力插座 receptacle, power
螺旋插座 receptacle, screw
单插座 receptacle, single
三线插座 receptacle, three wire
三插座 receptacle, triplex
两线插座 receptacle, two wire
插座 receptacle; socket
接收;接收法 reception
电报之接收 reception of a telegraph
分集接收(法) reception, diversity
反函数 reciprocal function
反晶格 reciprocal lattice
互易网络 reciprocal network
互易多项式 reciprocal polynomial
互易定理 reciprocal theorem
三重互易 reciprocal, triplex
互易条件 reciprocate condition
互易定律 reciprocity law
互易定理 reciprocity theorem
再循环流量控制 recirculation flow control
复闭器 recloser
复闭 reclosing
复闭熔断器 reclosing fuse
复闭断电器 reclosing relay
复闭时间 reclosing time
自动复闭 reclosing, automatic
回跳;坐力 recoil