磁心(磁圈)储存器 magnetic core storage磁力偶 magnetic couple
磁耦合 magnetic coupling
磁阻尼 magnetic damping
磁性决定组件 magnetic decision element; MDE
磁偏角 magnetic declination
磁偏转;磁转向 magnetic deflection
磁偏转系 magnetic deflection system
磁延迟线 magnetic delay-line
磁性检波器 magnetic detector
磁位差 magnetic difference potential
磁倾角 magnetic dip (inclination; dip)
磁偶(极) magnetic dipole
磁偶极过渡 magnetic dipole transition
磁盘 magnetic disc
磁漏 magnetic dispersion
磁扰 magnetic disturbance; magnetic perturbation
磁鼓储存器 magnetic drum storage
磁效应 magnetic effect
地磁赤道 magnetic equator (line of no dip)
等磁位面 magnetic equipotential surface
磁缩聚 magnetic fasciculation
磁疲乏 magnetic fatigue
磁场 magnetic field
磁场平衡器 magnetic field equalizer
磁场强度 magnetic field intensity
磁力场 magnetic field of force
磁场强度 magnetic field strength
磁通 magnetic flux
磁通密度 magnetic flux density
磁聚焦 magnetic focusing
磁力 magnetic force
磁头 magnetic head
磁滞 magnetic hysteresis
磁滞循环 magnetic hysteresis cycle
磁滞回线 magnetic hysteresis loop
磁滞损失 magnetic hysteresis loss
磁感应 magnetic induction
磁墨 magnetic ink"
磁化滞后 magnetic lag
磁纬度;磁纬线 magnetic latitude
磁透镜 magnetic lens