晶体缺陷 lattice defect晶格设计 lattice design
晶格大小 lattice dimension
晶格缺陷 lattice imperfection
格子网络 lattice network
晶格间距 lattice spacing
晶格结构 lattice structure
格子论 lattice theory
格子(型)滤波器 lattice type wave filter
晶格空位 lattice vacancy
晶格振动 lattice vibration
晶格虚空 lattice void
定律 law
能量等分定律 law of equipartition of energy
巨数定律 law of large number
质量作用定律 law of mass action
余弦律 law, consine
库仑定律 law, Coulomb’s
法拉第定律 law, Farady’s
菲煦纳定律 law, Fechner’s
焦耳定律 law, Joule’s
克耳文定律 law, Kelvin’s
克希何夫定律 law, Kirchhoff’s
冷次定律 law, Lenz’s
奥姆定律 law, Ohm’s
平方定律 law, square
史坦每子定律 law, Steinmetz’s
劳任士管 Lawrence tube
光电定律 laws of photoelectricity
劳生准则 Lawson criterion
绞;绞距 lay (of a cable)
单绞 lay, simple
层 layer
层际绝缘 layer insulation
层间短路 layer short circuit
单层 layer, single
规画;布置 lay-out
规画法则 layout rule
工型天线 lazy ‘H’ antenna
光电阻 LDR; light dependent resistance
越前;领前;铅 lead
铅板电池组 lead (acid) battery