椭圆旋转(磁)场 field, elliptical rotating椭圆旋转磁场 field, elliptical rotating magnetic
激磁场 field, exciting
均匀磁场 field, homogeneous magnetic
应场 field, induced
电场强度 field, intensity of electric
磁场 field, magnetic
起磁力场 field, magnetising
不匀(磁)场 field, non-uniform-
振荡磁场 field, oscillating-
正交磁场 field, quadrature
辐形场 field, radial
辐射场 field, radiation-
反向磁场 field, reversing
旋转磁场 field, revolving magnetic
自去磁场 field, self demagnetizing
移动磁场 field, shifting-
杂散(磁)场 field, stray
电场强度 field, strength of electric
磁场强度 field, strength of magnetic
匀布场;均强场 field, uniform
均强磁场;匀布磁场 field, uniform magnetic
变动磁场 field, varying magnetic
向量场 field, vector
法斯特用户组织 fieldata applications systems & techniques; FAST
法斯特数据应用系统及技术 fieldata applications systems & techniques; FAST
场效体(FET之一种) fieldistor
先定常数 figurative constant
图(形);数字;位数 figure
数目盘 figure case
优值;特性值;灵敏值 figure of merit
数字移位 figure shift; FIGS
灯丝;丝极 filament
灯丝电池组 filament battery
灯丝电路 filament circuit
灯丝电流 filament current
灯丝发射 filament emission
灯丝光测高温计 filament phrometer
灯丝电压 filament voltage
丝极蒸发 filament, evaporation of
石墨性碳丝 filament, graphitized carbon
直灯丝 filament, straight