电工学 electrotechnology电热当量 electro-thermal equivalent
热电记录 electrothermal recording
电热学 electrothermics
电铸 electrotype
琥珀 electrum
元素;组件 element
绕组组件 element of winding
单元面 elemental area
相胞(相区的) elementary cell (of phase space)
单元指向特性 elementary direction characteristics
元电荷 elementary electric charge
初矩阵 elementary matrix
基本粒子;基(本质)点 elementary particle
益伴(袅社x存器) elementary perceiver and memorizer; EPAM
基本列运算 elementary row operation
元波 elementary wave
电传照相术 elephontography
电阻高温计 eletropyrometer
高架机房 elevated equipment room
仰角 elevation angle
仰角轴 elevation axis
仰角缆包 elevation cable wrap
仰角驱动电动机 elevation drive motor
仰角误差信号 elevation error singal
高度;标高 elevation; EL
升降机 elevator
艾力(识码)例程 ELI; equitable life interpreter
消去(法);除去 elimination
消去算法 elimination algorithm
消去法 elimination method
椭圆轨道 elliptical orbit
椭圆极化 elliptical polarization
椭圆旋转磁场 elliptical rotating magnetic field
椭圆半软式波导 elliptical semiflexible waveguide
椭圆拂掠 elliptical sweep
椭圆波导 elliptical wave guide
椭圆偏极光 elliptically polarized light
椭圆极化波 elliptically polarized wave
椭圆率 ellipticity
介末字符 EM; end of medium character
射气 emanation