固定费(用) charge, fixed自由电荷 charge, free
满量充电 charge, full
应电荷 charge, induced
感电荷 charge, inducing
初电荷 charge, initial
禀荷 charge, intrinsic
离子电荷 charge, ionic
负电荷;阴电荷 charge, negative
核电荷 charge, nuclear
点电荷 charge, point
正电荷;阳电荷 charge, positive
剩余电荷 charge, residual
荷质比 charge, specific
静电荷 charge, static
表面电荷 charge, surface
单位电荷 charge, unit
带电的;已充(电) charged
带电体 charged body
充电器 charger
蓄电池充电器 charger, battery
电荷储存二极管 charge-storage diode
充电 charging
充放电钥 charging and discharging key
充电容量 charging capacity
充电(电)流 charging current
充电电流入之射波 charging current, incident wave of
充电电流之反射波 charging current, reflected wave of
次瞬时充电电流 charging current, subtransient
瞬时充电电流 charging current, transient
充电曲线 charging curve
充电二极管 charging diode
充电率 charging rate
充电电抗器 charging reactor
充电机组 charging set
充电(电)压 charging voltage
图表 chart
变换表图 chart, conversion
磁偏图 chart, declination
锁簧配置图 chart, dog
地磁图 chart, magnetic
操纵图 chart, manipulation