苔纹玛瑙 moss-agate正方铌钽矿 mossite
最完全解理 most perfect cleavage
母地槽 mother geosyncline
母液 mother liquid
母液 mother liquor
主矿脉 mother lode
母岩浆 mother magma
煤母 mother of coal
母岩 mother rock
斑点 mottle
有斑点的 mottled
斑点石灰岩 mottled limestone
杂色砂岩 mottled sandstone
矾铜铅矿 mottramite
铸型 mould
冰瓯阜 moulin kame
冰川瓯穴 moulin potholes(Glaual potholes)
冰川瓯穴 moulin(glacial pothole)
冰川坚坑 moulin(in glacier)
小阜;低阜 mound
岗泉 mound springs
山峯 mount
山 mountain
造山〔运动〕;造山运动 mountain building
山脉 mountain chain
石绵;致密硬质石鞣皮 mountain cork
水晶 mountain crystal
高山冰川 mountain glacier(alpine glacier)
山金 mountain gold
孔雀石 mountain green
山群 mountain group
石棉;石鞣皮;山鞣皮 mountain leather
山乳 mountain milk
环蚀山脉 mountain of circumdenudation
剥蚀山脉 mountain of denudation
山纸 mountain paper
山麓石原 mountain pediment
山脉 mountain range
山脊;山岭 mountain ridge
山根 mountain root
山坡 mountain slope