第三柱 third order prism揺变性 thixotropy
拉斑玄武岩 tholeiite
拉斑玄武岩浆 tholeiite magma
拉斑玄武岩质玄武岩 tholeiite type basalt
钟状火山 tholoide
球光菱铁矿 thomaite
方霜晶石 thomsenolite
杆沸石 thomsonite
胸节 thoracic segment
胸椎骨 thoracic vertebra
客胸类 Thoracica
胸部 thorax
钽锡矿 thoreaulite
方钍石 thorianite
硅酸钍石 thorite
钍 thorium
钍铅定年法 thorium-lead dating method
桑氏〔气候〕分类 Thornthwaites classification
钍脂铀矿 thorogummite
钍射氯 thoron
钪釳石 thortveitite
杜勒定律 Thoulets law
杜勒重液 Thoulets solution
纤维火山渣 thread-lace-scoria
三体课题 three-body problem
三圆测角计 three-circle goniometer
三杯风速计 three-cup anemometer
立体网 three-dimensional network
三分法 three-fold division
三层构造 three-layer structure
三点法 three-point method
三重扇 three-story fan
冰斗丘;海阈;底限 threshold
栅限深度 threshold depth
低限照度 threshold illuminance
可闻低限 threshold of audibility
刺耳低限 threshold of pain
低限信号 threshold signal
对比限值 threshold value of contrast
锑铜矿 thrombolite
通谷 through valley