铁白云石 tharandite硅灰石膏 thaumasite
奇叶蕨〔属〕 Thaumatopteris
奇凸贝 Thaumatrophia
解冻;融冰 thaw
融冰湖 thaw lake
融冰指数 thawing index
融冰季;解冻季 thawing season
融冰期;解冻期 thawing time
动物界 The kingdom Animal
植物界 The kingdom Botany
始先生物界 The kingdom portista
北方刚块 The morth craton
太平洋岸地槽 the pacific Coast Geosyncline
褶曲变厚之隆起期 the period of elevation of the folded and thickened area
东南刚块 the southeastern craton
萼 theca
外壁(珊瑚) theca (in corals)
壁腔 thecal opening
壁孔 thecal pore
壁部构造 thecal structure
萼板 Thecal-plate
有鞘类 Thecata
槽生齿性 thecodont
槽牙系;槽齿系 thecodont dentition
槽齿目 Thecodontia
海冠纲 Thecoidea
小瘤鱼类 Thelodonti
花鳞鱼 Thelodus
主题地图 thematic map
无水芒硝 thenardite
经纬仪 theodolite
经纬测角计 theodolite goniometer
理论天文学 theoretical astronomy
理论孔隙率 theoretical porosity
理论地震学 theoretical seismology
重圈成因说 theory of baryspheric origin
剧变说 theory of catastrophism
大陆漂移说 theory of continental drift
进化论 theory of evolution
重力不稳定说 theory of gravitational instability
〔地壳〕均衡说 theory of isostasy