土星环 Saturnian ring土星心坐标 Saturnicentric coordinates
浅盆湖 saucer lake
硅钠锌铝石 sauconite
索氏虫 Saukia
蜥臀类 Saurischia
肋龙 Sauropleura
蜥脚类 Sauropoda
鳍龙类 Sauropterygia
恐龙足印 Sauropus
钠黝帘石 saussurite
钠黝帘辉长岩 saussurite-gabbro
钠黝帘化〔作用〕 saussuritization
莽原气候 savanna climate
莽原景观 savanna landscape
莽原 savanna[h]
萨瓦板 Savart‘s plate
萨文运动{中第三纪} Savian movement
锯切峡谷 saw-cut gorge
锯切谷 saw-cut valley
锯蚀 sawing
锯齿脊;锯齿状脊 sawtooth ridge
萨克逊统{中二迭纪} saxonian series
直辉橄榄岩 Saxonite
辉铋镍矿 saynite
劣地;恶地 scabland; badland
氯锰矿 scacchite
无向量 scalar
数积 scalar product
无向性 scalar property
纯量;无向量 scalar quantity
比例尺;缩尺 scale
缩度误差 scale error
级高 scale height
比例模式 scale model
劈度表 scale of fissility
熔度表 scale of fusibility
硬度表 scale of hardness
强度表 scale of intensity
地震强度表 scale of seismic intensity
温〔度〕标 scale of thermometer
涡动幅度 scale of turbulence