许旺氏鞘 sheath of Schwann; neurilemma精管鞘 sheath of spermtube
羊头鲷属的俗名 sheepshead
羊虱蝇 sheep-tick
壳 shell
壳腺 shell gland; indamental gland
壳膜 shell membrane
虫胶片 shellae
背甲;胸头甲 shield; carapace
胫骨 shin bone; tibia
皱纹粗蜥;松果蜥 Shingle-back Skink; Trachydosaurus rugosus
鳄蜥 Shinisaurus crocodilurus ; Chinese Crocodile Lizard
船蠹 shipworm
朴树蚜 Shivaphis celti Das
休克;震荡;猝变 shock
岸鸟 shorebird
短睫神经 short ciliary nerve
短脚 short crus
短指伸肌 short digital extensor muscle; musculus
短腓肌 short peroneal muscle; musculus peroneus brevis
短子骨韧带 short seamoidean ligaments; ligmenta
身材矮小 short stature
短日照开花植物 short-day plant
短耳鸮 Short-eared Owl
缩短反应 shortening reaction
短肢攀蜥 Short-legged Japalura; Japalura brevipes
肩部;上髆骨 shoulder
髆骨;肩胛骨 shoulder blade
肩带 shoulder girdle; pectoral girdle
肩关节 shoulder joint
铲节 shovel
尖鼠 shrew
虾鱼类(玻甲鱼科俗名) shrimpfishes
虾 shrimps
灌木 shrub
灌木带 shrub formation
抗利尿素分泌异常症候群 SIADH; syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
蛇蜻蛉科;泥蜻蛉科 SIALIDAE
唾液酸酶 sialidase
唾液腺病;唾液酸沈积症 sialidosis
唾液腺 sialisterium; salivery gland
暹逻斗鱼类 Siamese fighting fishes